



1、Who are the Métis?(Métis是什么人?)

  1. The first French settlers

  2. The original settlers of Montreal

  3. The distinct aboriginal people of Atlantic Canada

  4. A distinct people of mixed Aboriginal and European ancestry

2、What is the name of the Royal Anthem of Canada?(加拿大皇家颂歌叫什么?)

  1. O Canada

  2. God Save the Queen

  3. The Star-Spangled Banner

  4. La Marseillaise

3、Canadians have six responsibilities which of the following is not one of them(加拿大人有六大义务,以下哪项不是其中之一):

  1. Obeying the law

  2. Taking responsibility for oneself and one’s family

  3. Voting in elections

  4. Driving safely

  5. Helping others in the community

  6. Serving on a jury

  7. Protecting and enjoying our heritage and environment

4、When did the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms become part of the Constitution?(加拿大人权宪章何时成为宪法的一部分)

  1. 1982

  2. 1988

  3. 1867

  4. 2000

5、Canada has five regions, which of the following is not one of them?(加拿大分5大区域,哪个不是?)

  1. Atlantic Canada

  2. Central Canada

  3. The Prairies

  4. Midwest

  5. The West Coast

  6. The Northern Territories

6、What does the word "Inuit" mean?(因纽特人Inuit字面是什么意思)

  1. "The North" in the Inuktitut language

  2. "Home" in the Inuktitut language

  3. "The people" in the Inuktitut language

  4. "Land" in the Inuktitut language

7、Who isn´t a current party leader in the House of Commons?(以下哪个不是国会现任政党领袖?)

  1. Justin Trudeau

  2. Andrew Scheer

  3. Elizabeth May

  4. Gilles Duceppe

8、Who are the founding peoples of Canada?(谁是加拿大的创始人?)

  1. Aboriginal, French, British

  2. Inuit, Aboriginal, British

  3. Metis, French, British

  4. Aboriginal, Metis, French

9、What was the importance of the Canada Pacific Railway?(加拿大太平洋铁路的重要性是什么?)

  1. Wealth (Canada increased their GDP)

  2. Steel (easy access from West to East)

  3. Unity (railway from sea to sea)

  4. The start of the manufacturing industry

10、Who is Canada s Head of State?(谁是加拿大的国家元首?)

  1. The Prime Minister

  2. The Sovereign

  3. The President

  4. The Governor General







在加拿大,入籍申请者会收到加拿大联邦政府一本《Discover Canada》68页参考书,里面有所有答案,不准备入籍想了解加拿大的朋友们也可以看看。




